Margaritaville! Happy Hour
Schola (New Location in Canton) 2744 Lighthouse Point East, Baltimore, MDMargaritaville Happy Hour! Menu TBA (check back soon!) Register. Don't forget: Schola is a BYOB establishment.
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Margaritaville Happy Hour! Menu TBA (check back soon!) Register. Don't forget: Schola is a BYOB establishment.
Join us for a happy hour cooking class followed by a comedy show featuring headliner D. Lo and other comedians. Dana Lollar, aka D. Lo, hails from Baltimore MD. Known… Read More »Cuisine and Comedy Happy Hour!
Nobody enjoys eating as much as the Italians! They always start meals with small bites of great food and good bread. Join us as we create the great Italian spread… Read More »Italian Happy Hour
Please note that we can’t offer refunds, exchanges, or transfers to classes because our seating is very limited.
Schola is BYOB so bring a bottle or two of whatever you’d like to enjoy while cooking and eating. If you need ice for your drinks, please bring that with you as well.
Ingredients for all classes subject to change based on availability.
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